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  • Snow Plow

    Snow Plowing in District 13

    Following the last few snow/ice storms, I thought I'd do my best to help the folks in District 13 better understand who owns their roads (municipality or province), and the times by which you can expect your roads to be plowed. Also, you can determine if your road is private, meaning neither the province or the municipality will plow your road - there is no public service.

  • windsor street

    The Windsor Street Exchange

    On January 28, Regional Council was presented with the functional design of the Windsor Street Exchange (report here).

    Previous council had asked for changes to the functional design, which was approved in principle in June of 2024. The changes requested included AAA bike lanes, walking paths, and dedicated transit priority lanes - also known as BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) lanes for a future BRT Green Line. In the current functional design, that wasn't possible.

  • FireSmart

    FireSmart In District 13

    The FireSmart Program is an incredibly important piece of the safety puzzle for District 13, and it begins with residents themselves. 

    Homeowners, neighborhoods and communities can ask for a FireSmart assessment, and Halifax Regional Fire has a dedicated Wildfire Mitigation Program Manager to assist and facilitate communities moving towards FireSmart recognition.

  • Capital Budget 2025

    Capital Budget 2025

    Before we begin, it’s important to call out that the 2025/2026 budget is called a ‘transitional budget’, as this year’s budget is the last year of a budget cycle that began 4 years ago and based on the strategies of the previous council. The priorities of this council will be shaped by our own strategy, and will be represented starting in the 2026/2027 budget season. 

    Important documents to review are:

  • Social Media

    Social Media As a Means of Communication

    When new councillors like myself were onboarded to council, we received some amount of media training. As council members, there are no hard and fast rules for how to engage with social media, but there are a few principles to consider and I follow as a guide.