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  • alderney gate

    Alderney Gate Janitorial Workers and SEIU Local 2

    On February 18, Regional Council and the CAO received an email from SEIU Local 2 on behalf of 12 janitorial workers employed by GDI.  GDI had maintained the cleaning contract for Alderney Gate, which goes out to tender every 4-5 years. In the last round of bidding for that contract, another company - Imperial Cleaners - won the contract, not GDI.  As a consequence, the 12 cleaners employed by GDI who had worked at Alderney Gate could lose their job.

  • operations budget

    Operations Budget 2025

    As noted in the Capital Budget 2025 blog post, the Operations Budget is yet another component of the 'transitional budget' of previous council. The lens and values of this council will be represented in future budgets. 

    Without painting in too broad of strokes, the majority of the Operations Budget boils down to people. They are the municipality's greatest operating expense. There are six major contracts being renewed in 2025/2026, including HRP, HRFE and library staff. 

  • Lessons Learned

    Tantallon Wildfires - Lessons Learned Report

    As we head into a new wildfire season for 2025, it's important to take stock of the important changes that have taken place since the Tantallon Wildfires in 2023, and the scope of changes that have occurred following the recommendations from the Wildfire After-Action Report.

  • egress for westwood hills

    Egress For Westwood Hills

    The staff report requested by Councillor Lovelace on Oct 3, 2023 to determine the best egress route for Westwood Hills is tracking to return to Council on March 18, 2025.  

  • Snow Plow

    Snow Plowing in District 13

    Following the last few snow/ice storms, I thought I'd do my best to help the folks in District 13 better understand who owns their roads (municipality or province), and the times by which you can expect your roads to be plowed. Also, you can determine if your road is private, meaning neither the province or the municipality will plow your road - there is no public service.