Tantallon Wildfires - Lessons Learned Report
As we head into a new wildfire season for 2025, it's important to take stock of the important changes that have taken place since the Tantallon Wildfires in 2023, and the scope of changes that have occurred following the recommendations from the Wildfire After-Action Report.
The changes across HRM EMO, HRFE and the relationship with DNNR are so profound that the recommendations will be near complete for both HRM and the province. Major updates include for HRM, HRFE and District 13 include:
- 4 full-time, career firefighters have been hired at Station 65 in Upper Tantallon
- A Wildfire Mitigation Manager has been hired, and they are actively recruiting an urban planner to work with Planning and Development and EMO
- HRFE continues to partner with DNNR to improve officer and firefighter training
- HRM continues to expand static water sources (dry hydrants and cisterns)
- They are leveraging technology for early detection of wildfires with high fidelity cameras and AI to find and report wildfires 24x7 before they grow in size (a first in Canada)
- HRFE has ordered new wildfire equipment (pumps, hose, PPE, etc.)
- HRFE has ordered new brush trucks and structural protection units to help mitigate risk and respond to wildfires as part of their last budget and business plans
I was glad to meet with Fire Chief Ken Stubing at the Budget Session for HRFE for 2025/2026, where I was able to express my gratitude for all that HRFE has done for District 13, and to offer my continued support for Halifax Regional Fire.

As part of that process, I was able to add an additional 10 full-time firefighters to the BAL (Budget Adjustment List) as per recommendations from HRFE, so that they can continue to save the people, property and environment of District 13 and across HRM. As I said at Council, the tax-payer only has one wallet, and if we are not prepared to deliver top-tier fire protection to taxpayers of HRM, then they can continue to see increased insurance costs in the wake of climate change.