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HRM Resident Survey Results - District 13

HRM Resident Survey Results - District 13

Submitted by admin on 26 January 2025

HRM Resident Survey for 2024.

Because of the size of the survey, I have condensed the results below including values that are specifically related to District 13. The full survey results are here.

In your opinion, what are the top three issues facing the municipality over the next five years?

 OVERALL %District 13
More housing / available housing / build
Affordable housing / rent control2925
Transportation infrastructure / traffic – congestion, management, flow2529
Poverty / homeless / panhandlers2117
Transit – improvement, routes, price, access, encourage use, etc.2116
Health / healthcare / hospitals / mental health2025
Cost of living – affordability / economy / inflation168
Taxes / tax rate1219
Overpopulation / Overcrowding / Too much population growth / Too much immigration129
Infrastructure renewal / aging
infrastructure – maintain, invest in
Transportation / public transportation (unspecified)912
Road infrastructure – road conditions / sidewalks / snow removal99
Employment / unemployment / jobs / wages62
Crime / policing / drugs63
Food security – available, affordable, healthy51
Climate change infrastructure / climate action / global warming preparedness, reducing emissions47
Schools / education49
Upgrade roads / highways / road system
/ roads – widen roads
Urban sprawl / urban planning / planning for growth32
Environment / environmental sustainability – green belting / sustainability / green space35
Better government service – affordable, less red tape, better communication, accessible32
Parking / winter parking22
Active transportation – paved routes, walking paths, bike lanes, safe crosswalks22
Development process – better planning, more consulting / reporting22
Size of municipality / expenditures / salaries / debt24
Senior services22
Services for rural Halifax22
New building development / regulations / restrictions / zoning11
Clean water – lakes, waterways12
Emergency preparedness – flooding, hurricanes, wildfires13
Recreation / entertainment opportunities (affordable)11
Emergency services – fire / ambulance10
Traffic control / enforcement – better safety measures, noise12
Clean up / beautify – remove graffiti, litter11
Commuter rail / light rail / electric / ferry system – rapid / green11
Youth / young professional retention12
Economic growth / small business growth / development / support11
Accessibility issues (housing, roads, internet, public washrooms, etc.)10
Racism / diversity / inclusion00
Defund / reform the police00
Retention / attraction of residents / immigration00
Waste management – garbage / recycling00
Energy efficiencies / savings00
Renewable energy – solar, clean, sustainable00
Preserve buildings / historical sites00
Downtown development / waterfront01
Attract business00
COVID related00
Programming for youth / children (affordable)00

How would you rate the overall quality of life in the Halifax region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very good1516
Very poor20

In the past THREE years, the quality of life in the region has...

 OVERALL %District 13
Stayed the same2630

What, in your opinion, would you say are the top three (3) most significant things that contributed to an IMPROVED quality of life in the region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Amenities – shops / restaurants238
Beautification – more green space / better parks1931
Entertainment options – arts / events / festivals / sports1814
Better bus / transit service – routes, lanes160
COVID efforts (online service)1514
Development / growth / construction150
Better roads / road maintenance / networks / infrastructure1419
Housing developments1431
Recreation opportunities / recreation facilities139
Economic growth / progress128
Population growth / immigration1017
Waterfront improvements / development1014
Walking / hiking trails / sidewalks1012
Infrastructure – improvements, renewal, investments80
Inclusivity initiative – racial, Indigenous, diversity88
Bike lanes / trails712
Quality of life / civic pride / vibrancy / community724
Education / schools613
Better government – communication60
Traffic control518
Downtown development / renewal50
Employment opportunities / more jobs50
Policing / safety – crime reduction40
Improved water and waste – recycling / water quality30
Personal reasons20

What, in your opinion, would you say are the top three (3) most significant things that contributed to a WORSENED quality of life in the region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Housing (crisis) – affordable / available
Cost of living / inflation / affordability4042
Transportation - traffic congestion / problems2733
Population growth2519
Healthcare delivery / access to medical care (includes mental health)2123
Homeless / poverty issues2022
Rental costs / lack of rent controls169
Food security – cost146
Public transportation / transit issues86
Infrastructure issues (bridges, etc.)816
Access to jobs / employment opportunities / wages76
Crime / feeling unsafe78
Construction / development (uncontrolled) / lack of planning67
Poor government / politics / corruption / transparency / decisions69
Road maintenance / includes sidewalks & snow removal510
COVID – isolation / lockdown / restrictions (antivax)41
Access to / cost of services45
Education / schools30
Climate change / environmental impacts
/ Extreme weather events
Issues with bike lanes23
Parking issues – lack of / cost of21
Poor social culture – people unhappy / rude10
Lack of green space / protection of green space10
Issues with policing (brutality / overstep / not responding)10
Seniors issues11
Garbage / recycle / sanitation issues10
Race relations / discrimination00
Destruction of historical neighbourhoods00
Lack of things to do00

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to live.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1616
Very dissatisfied63

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to work.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied108
Very dissatisfied84

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place for recreation and play.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1616
Very dissatisfied32

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to raise a family.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1513
Very dissatisfied105

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place for young people.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied810
Very dissatisfied1417

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to retire.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1514
Very dissatisfied1311

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all likely, and 10 is very likely, how likely would you be to recommend the Halifax region as a place to live?

 OVERALL %District 13
10 - Very likely914
0 - Not at all likely54

Thinking about all the programs and services you receive from the municipality, please indicate the value you receive for the property taxes that you currently pay.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very good value33
Good value4032
Poor value3743
Very poor value2023

When the municipality is creating the municipal budget, it often faces higher costs to continue to provide the same level of service (due to things like inflation and wage increases). Please indicate which of the statements comes closest to your point of view. The municipality should:

 OVERALL %District 13
Decrease taxes and fees, even if
municipal services must decrease
Maintain taxes and fees, even if it means reducing some services to maintain others4748
Increase municipal services, even if taxes or fees must increase2724

If adding services and facilities, or maintaining existing service levels meant an increased cost to provide those services, which would you prefer most as a way to fund this increase?

 OVERALL %District 13
Increases to user fees for those services (for example, bus fares, permits, parking)3855
Increases to property taxes76
Increases to municipal debt115
Both user fee and property tax increases1614
A combination of increases to user fees, property tax increases, and debt2921

The municipality can borrow money to pay for things like buses, buildings and parks. This borrowing means we can expand infrastructure without raising taxes right away. How comfortable would you be with the municipality borrowing more money now for expanded infrastructure, if it means higher taxes in the future to pay back the debt and interest?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very comfortable118
Somewhat comfortable3630
Somewhat uncomfortable2934
Very uncomfortable2427

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality is moving in the right direction to ensure a high quality of life for future generations.

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree31
Strongly disagree2320

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key regional (municipal-wide) issues.

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree31
Strongly disagree1813

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key local (community) issues.

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree21
Strongly disagree1816

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality’s public processes encourage participation and help me feel involved in decisions that impact me as a resident.

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree41
Strongly disagree2013

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.


 OVERALL %District 13
The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key regional (municipal-wide) issues4035
The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key local (community) issues3836
The municipality’s public processes encourage participation and help me feel involved in decisions that impact me as a resident3638
The municipality is moving in the right direction to ensure a high quality of life for future generations3530

Do you use any of the following to get municipal news or information?

 OVERALL %District 13
Municipal website (
Municipal mobile applications (for example, HFX Recycles, hfxAlert)4351
Facebook (for example, Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax Regional Police)3637
Instagram (for example, hfxmoments)2410
X/Twitter (for example, @hfxgov, @hfxtransit, @hfxfire)2218
Councillor social media1917
All of the above43
None of the above1314

Which of the following methods would you like to use to participate in community decision-making?

 OVERALL %District 13
Online surveys7677
Public open houses hosted by municipal staff (in person)3943
Community-led meetings attended by municipal staff3642
Email feedback3432
Mail-out surveys3229
Social media (for example, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn)2926
Online virtual meetings hosted by municipal staff2824
One-on-one meetings with municipal staff (in person)1414
Telephone feedback69
None - I would prefer not to participate42

Overall, how satisfied are you with the delivery of all the services provided by the municipality?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied42
Very dissatisfied66

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following services provided by the municipality. If you don’t know or have not had any experience with the service to provide a rating, please choose ‘Don’t know / no opinion’.
Business support services (for example, zoning regulations, building permits).

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied32
Very dissatisfied2225

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following services provided by the municipality. If you don’t know or have not had any experience with the service to provide a rating, please choose ‘Don’t know / no opinion’.
Community planning/land use planning and approvals (for example, community planning to guide growth and change)

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied21
Very dissatisfied2425

In your opinion, what are the top three issues facing the municipality over the next five years?

 OVERALL %District 13
More housing / available housing / build
Affordable housing / rent control2925
Transportation infrastructure / traffic – congestion, management, flow2529
Poverty / homeless / panhandlers2117
Transit – improvement, routes, price, access, encourage use, etc.2116
Health / healthcare / hospitals / mental health2025
Cost of living – affordability / economy / inflation168
Taxes / tax rate1219
Overpopulation / Overcrowding / Too much population growth / Too much immigration129
Infrastructure renewal / aging
infrastructure – maintain, invest in
Transportation / public transportation (unspecified)912
Road infrastructure – road conditions / sidewalks / snow removal99
Employment / unemployment / jobs / wages62
Crime / policing / drugs63
Food security – available, affordable, healthy51
Climate change infrastructure / climate action / global warming preparedness, reducing emissions47
Schools / education49
Upgrade roads / highways / road system
/ roads – widen roads
Urban sprawl / urban planning / planning for growth32
Environment / environmental sustainability – green belting / sustainability / green space35
Better government service – affordable, less red tape, better communication, accessible32
Parking / winter parking22
Active transportation – paved routes, walking paths, bike lanes, safe crosswalks22
Development process – better planning, more consulting / reporting22
Size of municipality / expenditures / salaries / debt24
Senior services22
Services for rural Halifax22
New building development / regulations / restrictions / zoning11
Clean water – lakes, waterways12
Emergency preparedness – flooding, hurricanes, wildfires13
Recreation / entertainment opportunities (affordable)11
Emergency services – fire / ambulance10
Traffic control / enforcement – better safety measures, noise12
Clean up / beautify – remove graffiti, litter11
Commuter rail / light rail / electric / ferry system – rapid / green11
Youth / young professional retention12
Economic growth / small business growth / development / support11
Accessibility issues (housing, roads, internet, public washrooms, etc.)10
Racism / diversity / inclusion00
Defund / reform the police00
Retention / attraction of residents / immigration00
Waste management – garbage / recycling00
Energy efficiencies / savings00
Renewable energy – solar, clean, sustainable00
Preserve buildings / historical sites00
Downtown development / waterfront01
Attract business00
COVID related00
Programming for youth / children (affordable)00

How would you rate the overall quality of life in the Halifax region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very good1516
Very poor20

In the past THREE years, the quality of life in the region has...

 OVERALL %District 13
Stayed the same2630

What, in your opinion, would you say are the top three (3) most significant things that contributed to [an IMPROVED] quality of life in the region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Amenities – shops / restaurants238
Beautification – more green space / better parks1931
Entertainment options – arts / events / festivals / sports1814
Better bus / transit service – routes, lanes160
COVID efforts (online service)1514
Development / growth / construction150
Better roads / road maintenance / networks / infrastructure1419
Housing developments1431
Recreation opportunities / recreation facilities139
Economic growth / progress128
Population growth / immigration1017
Waterfront improvements / development1014
Walking / hiking trails / sidewalks1012
Infrastructure – improvements, renewal, investments80
Inclusivity initiative – racial, Indigenous, diversity88
Bike lanes / trails712
Quality of life / civic pride / vibrancy / community724
Education / schools613
Better government – communication60
Traffic control518
Downtown development / renewal50
Employment opportunities / more jobs50
Policing / safety – crime reduction40
Improved water and waste – recycling / water quality30
Personal reasons20

What, in your opinion, would you say are the top three (3) most significant things that contributed to [a WORSENED] quality of life in the region?

 OVERALL %District 13
Housing (crisis) – affordable / available
Cost of living / inflation / affordability4042
Transportation - traffic congestion / problems2733
Population growth2519
Healthcare delivery / access to medical care (includes mental health)2123
Homeless / poverty issues2022
Rental costs / lack of rent controls169
Food security – cost146
Public transportation / transit issues86
Infrastructure issues (bridges, etc.)816
Access to jobs / employment opportunities / wages76
Crime / feeling unsafe78
Construction / development (uncontrolled) / lack of planning67
Poor government / politics / corruption / transparency / decisions69
Road maintenance / includes sidewalks & snow removal510
COVID – isolation / lockdown / restrictions (antivax)41
Access to / cost of services45
Education / schools30
Climate change / environmental impacts
/ Extreme weather events
Issues with bike lanes23
Parking issues – lack of / cost of21
Poor social culture – people unhappy / rude10
Lack of green space / protection of green space10
Issues with policing (brutality / overstep / not responding)10
Seniors issues11
Garbage / recycle / sanitation issues10
Race relations / discrimination00
Destruction of historical neighbourhoods00
Lack of things to do00

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to live.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1616
Very dissatisfied63

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to work.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied108
Very dissatisfied84

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place for recreation and play.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1616
Very dissatisfied32

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to raise a family.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1513
Very dissatisfied105

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place for young people.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied810
Very dissatisfied1417

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region:

The region as a place to retire.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied1514
Very dissatisfied1311

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the quality-of-life aspects of the region.


 OVERALL %District 13
The region as a place for recreation and
The region as a place to live7482
The region as a place to work6775
The region as a place to raise a family6680
The region as a place to retire6165
The region as a place for young people5551

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all likely, and 10 is very likely, how likely would you be to recommend the Halifax region as a place to live?

 OVERALL %District 13
10 - Very likely914
0 - Not at all likely54

Thinking about all the programs and services you receive from the municipality, please indicate the value you receive for the property taxes that you currently pay.

 OVERALL %District 13
Very good value33
Good value4032
Poor value3743
Very poor value2023

When the municipality is creating the municipal budget, it often faces higher costs to continue to provide the same level of service (due to things like inflation and wage increases). Please indicate which of the statements comes closest to your point of view. The municipality should:

 OVERALL %District 13
Decrease taxes and fees, even if
municipal services must decrease
Maintain taxes and fees, even if it means reducing some services to maintain others4748
Increase municipal services, even if taxes or fees must increase2724

If adding services and facilities, or maintaining existing service levels meant an increased cost to provide those services, which would you prefer most as a way to fund this increase?

 OVERALL %District 13
Increases to user fees for those services (for example, bus fares, permits, parking)3855
Increases to property taxes76
Increases to municipal debt115
Both user fee and property tax increases1614
A combination of increases to user fees, property tax increases, and debt2921

The municipality can borrow money to pay for things like buses, buildings and parks. This borrowing means we can expand infrastructure without raising taxes right away. How comfortable would you be with the municipality borrowing more money now for expanded infrastructure, if it means higher taxes in the future to pay back the debt and interest?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very comfortable118
Somewhat comfortable3630
Somewhat uncomfortable2934
Very uncomfortable2427

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality is moving in the right direction to ensure a high quality of life for future generations

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree31
Strongly disagree2320

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key regional (municipal-wide) issues

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree31
Strongly disagree1813

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key local (community) issues

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree21
Strongly disagree1816

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.

The municipality’s public processes encourage participation and help me feel involved in decisions that impact me as a resident

 OVERALL %District 13
Strongly agree41
Strongly disagree2013

For the following questions, please select the response that most closely reflects your opinion.


 OVERALL %District 13
The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key regional (municipal-wide) issues4035
The municipality does a good job of connecting/communicating with the public on key local (community) issues3836
The municipality’s public processes encourage participation and help me feel involved in decisions that impact me as a resident3638
The municipality is moving in the right direction to ensure a high quality of life for future generations3530

Do you use any of the following to get municipal news or information?

 OVERALL %District 13
Municipal website (
Municipal mobile applications (for example, HFX Recycles, hfxAlert)4351
Facebook (for example, Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax Regional Police)3637
Instagram (for example, hfxmoments)2410
X/Twitter (for example, @hfxgov, @hfxtransit, @hfxfire)2218
Councillor social media1917
All of the above43
None of the above1314

Which of the following methods would you like to use to participate in community decision-making?

 OVERALL %District 13
Online surveys7677
Public open houses hosted by municipal staff (in person)3943
Community-led meetings attended by municipal staff3642
Email feedback3432
Mail-out surveys3229
Social media (for example, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn)2926
Online virtual meetings hosted by municipal staff2824
One-on-one meetings with municipal staff (in person)1414
Telephone feedback69
None - I would prefer not to participate42

Overall, how satisfied are you with the delivery of all the services provided by the municipality?

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied42
Very dissatisfied66

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following services provided by the municipality. If you don’t know or have not had any experience with the service to provide a rating, please choose ‘Don’t know / no opinion’.
Business support services (for example, zoning regulations, building permits)

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied32
Very dissatisfied2225

Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following services provided by the municipality. If you don’t know or have not had any experience with the service to provide a rating, please choose ‘Don’t know / no opinion’.
Community planning/land use planning and approvals (for example, community planning to guide growth and change)

 OVERALL %District 13
Very satisfied21
Very dissatisfied2425