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Common Goals

For The Common Good

Community First

Community First

Prioritize what truly matters most - our community, and the people who live in it. Everyone wins when we ensure that the voices of our community are heard, and every decision is made with our needs in mind.  

Locally Driven

Locally Driven

At the end of the day, all politics are local, because no matter how big the problem, we experience it right here.  We need to empower local voices, prioritize local needs, support local business, and craft local solutions. `Think global act local` isn't a slogan, it's the key to our success.

Financially Responsible

Financially Responsible

Being financially responsible is nothing short of stewardship for our future, and prioritizing fiscal responsiblity is paramount to our shared prosperity. We need to make smart, transparent decisions with your tax dollars, reduce waste, and invest in what truly matters - you. 

Forged In Relationships

Forged In Relationships

In a time where programs and services are delivered across many levels, with community groups, private business, and all levels of government playing a part, it's pivotal to engage all the right actors to achieve the best results. It's time come together, communicate with each other, and provide meaningful solutions.

How You Can Help


Giving is not just about making a donation, it's about making a big difference.



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Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, but they do have the heart.



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Your vote for Nancy is a vote

For the community we deserve.



We have to commit to comprehensive emergeny plan, by leveraging the lessons learned from the 2023 HRM wildfires and floods, and follow through with the recommendations put forward. First and foremost, we need to ensure we are safe, our community is resiliant, and we are doing all we can to mitigate the impact of climate change.



It's time to address the mounting litter problem on our roads, beaches, parks and trails. As a proud community living in one of the most beautiful places in the world, we need to devote our efforts to cleaning and maintaining our shared spaces, for all to enjoy.



Our health requires clean water and air, access to our beautiful outdoor spaces, and places where we can come together as a community for recreation, play, and sport. Together, we can foster an environment where everyone thrives physically, mentally, and socially.



Growth is a good thing, and change is inevitable. A thriving community is one shaped by sustainable growth, respectful of its environment, and provides shared benefit to all residents.

All boats rise in a rising tide.

Common sense, common goals, for the common good. Your vote for Nancy is just that simple.