Snow Plowing in District 13
Following the last few snow/ice storms, I thought I'd do my best to help the folks in District 13 better understand who owns their roads (municipality or province), and the times by which you can expect your roads to be plowed. Also, you can determine if your road is private, meaning neither the province or the municipality will plow your road - there is no public service.
Municipal Tools (for the communities of Upper Tantallon, Stillwater Lake, Lewis Lake, Hubley, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, and Boutiliers Point):
From the Municipal Plowing Priorities and Parking Ban Page (you can use your own location for greater detail):
You can use this map here to determine the plowing priority within HRM:
Priority Information:
Priority 1: Main arterial roads, emergency routes, Halifax Transit routes and roads with steep grades
When clearing begins: After 2 cm of accumulation
When clearing should be completed: 12 hours from end of declared event
What surface should look like: Bare pavement
Priority 2: Residential streets and gravel roads
When clearing begins: After 10 cm of snowfall
When clearing should be completed: 24 hours from end of declared event
What surface should look like: Snow covered but passable
To report your road to HRM, call 311 or email (and copy me on the email).
Provincial Tools (for all Prospect communities from Goodwood to West Dover, Peggy's Cove, Indian Harbour, Hacketts Cove, Glen Margaret, Seabright, Glen Haven, Tantallon, Ingramport, Black Point, Queensland and Hubbards):
From the Provincial Level of Priorities Page (you can use your own location for greater detail):

Follow the guidelines here on when your road will be plowed.
To report your road to the province, please check out Winter Times in Nova Scotia. The Operations Contact Centre is open 24/7 and can be reached 1-844-696-7737 or by email at
As always, you can call me at (902) 476-3787 or email me at Thank you!